Water hygiene services for care homes and hospitals

Residents of nursing and care homes are vulnerable to contracting legionella due to their age, frailty and compromised immune systems. Also the buildings are often converted old houses with deteriorating pipework and cold water tanks which may not be insulated.

By definition, hospital patients will be vulnerable to infection. Hospitals are vast buildings, with miles of pipework and an excess of water outlets which enable bacteria to multiply. We have customers in all of the above sectors, as they are all particularly vulnerable to legionella and other bacteria.

We look after Colten Care Homes, Wessex Lodge and Branksome Park Care Centre.

Please see below some our most popular value added services relating to the care home and hospitals sector:

Our solution to combatting legionella

We can undertake an assessment of your water systems, highlight any areas of potential risk and provide you with a detailed legionella risk assessment report.

We will make recommendations for the implementation of an effective monitoring and maintenance program, which will minimise the risk of a legionella outbreak.

Where a risk assessment is already in place, we can review this for you or undertake an audit.

Find out more

Increasing hot water temperatures at outlets to over 50 degrees centigrade is necessary to control legionella bacteria, yet this can increase the risk of scalding.

TMVs will effectively avoid scalding, but must be correctly selected, installed, regularly serviced and maintained to prevent the proliferation of legionella.

We can offer you a tailored programme of monitoring and remedial maintenance to ensure ongoing and consistent compliance with Health & Safety Executives Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) L8 and Technical Guidance HSG 274 & HTM 04-01 best practices.
As part of this regime, the following system components should be checked regularly:

  • Hot and cold water outlets
  • Sentinel outlets
  • Cold water storage tanks
  • Thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs)
  • Flow and return temperatures on hot water systems
  • Calorifiers and hot water cylinders
  • De-scaling and disinfection of shower heads and hoses
  • Flushing of little used outlets
  • Water softener servicing.

Enquiry Form

Alternatively if you wish to chat to one of our trained representatives please call us on - 0845 603 2152 or email info@aquacarewms.co.uk